Friday, October 31, 2014

Movie Review: Dracula: Untold

For my first movie review for the re-started blog, and coincidentally for my Halloween film entry this year, I'm jumping ahead of the entire que of movies seen over the past couple years and going straight to something still in theaters right now.

Dracula: Untold (2014)

As his kingdom is being threatened by the Turks, young prince Vlad Tepes must become a monster feared by his own kingdom in order to obtain the power needed to protect his own family, and the families of his kingdom. Short synopsis of Dracula: Untold taken from

Ok, I’m a Dracula nerd.  I admit it.  So if I say that I didn’t hate this movie, would you also forgive me for saying I didn’t love it either? 

What was good about Dracula: Untold?  Well, I liked the idea.  I’ve long toyed with the notion of how the historical Vlad and the Bram Stoker character Dracula could be the same person, and so when I saw the trailer for Dracula: Untold, it was a foregone conclusion that I’d be seeing this film.  The question was only: “will it be worth my movie-going dime?”