Sunday, November 23, 2014

Movie Review: Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 (2013)

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.  Short synopsis of Iron Man 3 taken from
A micro review, of sorts.  Really I mention Iron Man 3 only because I try to make note of films I have seen that deserve a review.  Of course, by the time I do post this, it will probably be out on video for some while.  I saw it in the cheap seats myself, and that after it had been there a few weeks.

Mind you, I didn't drag my heals due to any bad recommendations for the film that I'd heard, but because I was both busy with my final class in school at the time (math... ugh) and because I was short on funds to go to the theater.  But when I finally saw it, I'd have to say that Iron Man 3 was better than I expected.  The plot was exciting, and it was certainly better than Iron Man 2.  Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was as good as ever, and the supporting cast brought good game too.  Gwynth Paltrow especially was pretty cool in this movie, though not as fully developed as she could have been.  But then it wasn't called "Pepper Potts, the Movie," so I suppose some leeway is allowable.

"You'll never see... this sweet, buttery imitation coming."

The humor was especially good, with some quite memorable moments.  One of my favorites was the back and forth between two villain henchmen as they face down Tony Stark, who is waiting for his new and improved Iron Man suit to fly through the nearby window and get him ready to fight.  The suit has been delayed, due to a locked garage door, and the two oblivious villains wisecrack about how they got stuck pulling "this shift" as Stark raves about how he's going to clean the place with them.  It's pretty funny in execution.  The whole film has moments like this, which keep the pace up and the mood fun.

I think I liked Ben Kinglsey's performance best among the villains though.  The filmmakers really did a good job of making the audience feel that this guy is evil incarnate and then... well, I'll leave the surprise for those who haven't seen the film yet, but let me just say, his performance is great.  As a bad guy, he is deliciously bad, and as a... well, you see it, then you know.

I've been waiting four or five years to use this one. / Source:

Overall, Iron Man 3 wasn't as good as the first Iron Man, nor was it quite The Avengers, but it was still pretty good.  I recommend it to anyone who is skeptical about what another outing for this superhero might offer.  Pretty good stuff.  Not without its flaws, mind you (though I have glossed over them in this review - call me lazy if you like, but college-level math has made me awfully weary), but Iron Man 3 was still worth the money I spent at the cheap seats.  For sure.

The parting comment:

Yes, how did Iron Man's suit get so easily breakable?  In all the other films, he gets smacked around good and barely scratches the paint.  And how will Age of Ultron manage to shoehorn Stark back into the suit?  And where can I buy a set of fireproof yoga pants and sports bra for my wife, huh?

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